Friday, January 3, 2014

Hocking Hills Canopy Tours in the Snow and Ice

Hocking Hills Canopy Tours is closed in the winter so unfortunately our guests don't get to enjoy the snow and ice covered artistry that mother nature bestows on us. The big problem, however is that I, personally don't have nearly enough photographic expertise to capture the immense beauty of nature!

Not to be intimidated by the wind chill or my limited photographic skills, I made an attempt to bring you a glimpse of the winter splendor of the Hocking Hills Canopy Tours property. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed the sights, smells and yes, the multi-flora rose stickers of a Hocking Hills winter wonderland.

More photos to come...

(all photos © Dan Eckel 2014)
Maintaining Hocking Hills Canopy Tours is an all year-round job.

The porous black-hand sandstone creates spectacular icicles.

One of the waterfalls that exists on the property. This one measures approx.12 feet tall.

The SuperZip tower looming in the wintery background.

Looking down the barrel of the SuperZip!

A landscape view of the rolling hills .... can you locate our SuperZip tower?

The mighty "Rock Bridge" in which the town of "Rock Bridge" is named.

1 comment:

  1. Just as I visualized it in the my mind! Absolutely beautiful, Dan!!!!! You capture the beauty of the Hocking Hills landscape.
